Sugar cookies, hot cocoa, and everything pumpkin spice, the three most important food groups of the holiday season…and delightful path towards increased fatigue, inflammation, and even a few extra pounds you’ll need to work off while completing your resolution to be more active next year. It’s happened to many of us. Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice all of your cravings to keep you feeling healthy this holiday season. In fact, just a few alterations to your current lifestyle can make a huge difference in giving you a happy, healthy holiday this year.
Hydration plays an important role in keeping your body in tip-top shape. You don’t have to shoot straight for the popular standard of “8 glasses a day” right of the bat, though. Simply switching out that order of soda at the restaurant or coffee in the morning for a few ounces will go a long way towards curbing your appetite and reducing access inflammation. Another key component is sleep. Don’t forget to give your body the well deserved break it needs! Keeping a regular and generous sleep schedule will better keep stress levels manageable during all the mayhem going on this month. Finally, don’t forget us, your Chiropractors at Better Chiropractic! Research shows that our treatments can reduce both mental and physical stress caused by muscle tension.
The holidays are a time to share something with someone else to let them know you care. One way we do this is by highlighting for you research that you can find practical in your daily life. We want you to stay safe, happy, and healthy so you can get the best out of the season.
So here are some important things to remember this Christmas:
· Find ways to drink more water to reduce inflammation and create healthier eating habits.
· Commit to a regular and generous sleep schedule to let your body rejuvenate and keep yourself in a good mood.
· Get adjusted to help reduce physical and mental stress by calming tense muscles.
· Pay it forward and share this information with someone who may need a pick-me-up this season. We’d love to help them out.
Stay safe!
Sources available upon request.