Tom Brady said “As long as I see the Chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the Game.”
A 1920 article touted a picture with headline reading “Chiropractic Helps Babe Ruth and Other Yankees Keep in Perfect Physical Condition.”
When it comes to being the best of the best at anything, it takes the smallest of margins to win. If one piece isn’t working right, it’ll make the difference between Gold and mere Participation. That’s why most college and pro athletes utilize Chiropractic.
The fine movements we make to compete at not only elite but everyday athletic levels takes place in the joints. When those joints aren’t moving right, neither do we. It’s imperative that we have accurate control over our body if we want to do our best when we compete. Chiropractic is all about keeping those joints moving right.
Even though many of you aren’t competing at Olympic levels, it doesn’t mean you can’t reap those benefits yourself. In fact, here at Better Chiropractic we’re offering these services to the athletic community as Power Hour. During Power Hour, which happens two times each week, any uninjured athletes currently competing in events may come in to get adjusted for only $15, no appointment necessary! Come in to reap some of these benefits that have been supported by recent research:
· Adjustments have been shown to increase strength for up to 30 minutes after the fact
· Chiropractic gives greater pain relief than a common NSAID prescription
· Chiropractic care leads to significant improvement in function in those with moderate or severe pain
We hope to see you here!